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Create a site

A site is a website that can be used to share information with others. Organizations can create unlimited sites and pages to meet their goals. Below are some examples of how your organization can get started with sites:

  • Create a data portal for sharing internal GIS data across an organization.
  • Create internal dashboards.
  • Announce proposed plans, projects, and updates.
  • Showcase content related to a specific topic, such as research to restore local habitats or efforts to increase volunteer work within a community.

Who can create sites?

Portal for ArcGIS administrators and those who have been added to a site's core team can create and manage sites.

Anyone who has an account for your organizations Portal for ArcGISfor you and has at least the following General Privileges assigned to their user role can create a site:

How it works

By default, every site includes the following two groups to help site creators and collaborators manage the content they want to share.

  • Content group—A group for managing the content you want to share on a site. Core team members can add items to this group, but only the item's owner can edit them.
  • Core Team group—A group for managing the content you want core team members to edit. This group is automatically enabled with the update capability so that members of the group (core team members) can edit its items. By default, the site is shared to this group for shared editing.

Groups are managed in Groups Manager which is available in a site's drop-down menu. For more information, see Add and manage groups.


You do not have to add content to a site to start using

Create a site

Follow these steps to create a site.

  1. Sign in to Portal for ArcGIS and click the Sites app in the app switcher next to your user profile.
  2. On the Overview page, click New and choose site.
  3. Provide a name for your site.
  4. Click Create Site.

Add your first card using the row card

Row cards are the building blocks of your site. Whenever you want to add a card, such as a text card or image card, you must have a row card positioned where you want to add the content. Multiple cards can fit in a row card.


Row cards are also used to theme a site or page. Each row card can be configured with a unique background color and text color. You can also set an image as the background for a row card. For more information, see Brand a site with header and theme options.

  1. Click Layout on the Customize panel and choose a row card.
  2. Drag the row card from the panel onto the layout and position the row card where you want it.

    Markers appear on the page to guide you.

  3. Hover over the row and three buttons appear on the right side: arrows for moving the row around the page, a settings button for editing, and a delete button for deleting the row.
  4. Click the settings button to switch to edit mode.
  5. Choose the Layout setting of your row: Box or Wide. Wide displays your content across the entirety of the page, whereas Box displays content at a fixed width within the row.
  6. Set the text color for this specific row.
  7. Set either a background color (transparent is default) or a background image.
  8. Optionally add an image by clicking Image Source and choosing to either upload an image file or provide an image URL. Both options support JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
    • To upload an image file, choose Upload Image and drag the file onto the box in the Site Editor, or click Browse for Image to locate and add your file. The maximum file size is 3 MB.
    • Or, provide an image URL by pasting a supported image link in the URL field.
  9. If using an image file, you can customize it by clicking the crop button and dragging a handle to resize the crop frame. The crop frame can be repositioned by dragging on the dotted line. You can also zoom by adjusting the slider below the image and reposition the image by clicking within the crop frame.
  10. If you add background color and an image, you can also adjust Image Transparency in the Appearance menu by entering a percentage or using the slider.
  11. Enable Fixed Background to give a parallax effect so that content scrolls at a different pace than the background image.
  12. Optionally set a point for Image Focal Point to ensure the focus of your image as it adjusts for different screen sizes.

Next steps

Administrators and the site's core team members can edit a site. To edit a site, team members can click the edit button to the right of the site when signed in and viewing a site in a browser. In edit mode, team members can do the following: