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Own groups

As a group owner, you can edit the properties of your group (thumbnail, description, tags, and so on), manage your content and content shared with your group, and change some group settings including who can contribute content to your group and who can access (that is, search for and find) the group. If you've created a group that allows people to apply to join, you accept or decline membership requests.

Once you've created your group, you can use the Settings tab at any time to change the way members can access and join the group, and the type of items (for example, maps or layers) displayed by default on the group's Content and Overview tabs. Depending on the settings you choose, you may need to perform additional actions as group owner. For example, if you configure your group to only allow group members to search for and find the group (that is, if it's a private group), you must invite members to join the group. For groups that can be found by organization members or the public, you can opt to invite members to join, or, if you prefer to have members apply to join, you must accept or decline their membership requests.


You may want to allow anyone in your organization to join your group without needing to be invited or approved. You can do this by selecting the Anyone option under Who can join this group?. If you choose this option, members can request to join the group and are instantly granted membership without your involvement.

You can share public content with your group, which is useful when you find content that relates to the focus of your group but the content owner is not a member. Group owners can remove content and remove members from their groups, enable delete protection on their groups, and delete their groups as needed. Owners also have the option of changing a group member's role. For example, you can promote some group members to group managers, which allows them to help you with group ownership tasks. Group owners and managers can also organize items in the group into hierarchical categories to make it easier for group members to find the content they need. Group owners who are default administrators also have the option of hiding group membership information from some group members if needed.

Manage new membership requests

When someone requests to join a group you own, you see a Membership Requests link.

  1. Verify that you are signed in.
  2. Click Groups at the top of the site, and use the tabs, filters, sort options, and search as needed to find the group for which you want to manage membership requests.
  3. Click Membership Requests below the group name, and in the pop-up that appears, click Approve or Decline for each request.

    You can also approve or decline group membership requests by clicking the Membership Requests link on the Overview tab of the group page.

If you approve the user's request, the user is automatically added to your group. If you decline the request, the user is not added to your group. In either case, the user can check the status by opening the Notifications pop-up at the top of the site.

Invite members

Group owners and managers can add members to groups they own or manage with or without the members needing to accept invitations. Administrators and members with privileges to assign members to groups can also add members directly to a group.

  1. Verify that you are signed in. If you want to add members directly, verify that you are signed in to your organization.
  2. Click Groups at the top of the site, and use the tabs, filters, sort options, and search as needed to find the group you want to invite people to join. Click the name of the group to open its group page.
  3. Click Invite Users.
  4. Search for members to add to the group, and apply filters to narrow the list.

    You can search for individual users by name or user name, or by words users may have in their profile description, for example, Mike Jones Redlands GIS.

  5. Select the members you want to invite to the group.
  6. To add members directly, check Add organization members without requiring confirmation. You will see this option as an owner or manager of the group, or if you have privileges to view groups owned by members and assign members to groups.
  7. When you're finished selecting members, click Invite users to invite the users to join your group or Add to group to add members directly.

    You only see one button option in the Invite Users window. The button changes from Invite users to Add to group when you check the option to add members of the organization immediately without requiring confirmation.

Users receive a message in their Notifications pop-up. They can view the invitation on the Groups page and accept or reject it. If they accept the invitation, they will automatically be added to your group, and their name will appear on the Members tab of the group page.

Change a member's group role

After inviting members to your group, you can update their group role as needed. For example, as a group owner, you can promote some group members to group managers, which allows them to help you with group ownership tasks—for example, inviting users, managing membership requests, removing content and members, and editing group properties.


Organization administrators and those with the correct privileges can also change a group's owner.

  1. Click the Members tab of the group page.


    The Members tab does not appear for groups whose membership is controlled by an enterprise group.

  2. Search for members by full name and apply filters to narrow the list of group members. Sort the list as desired.

    Active filters are shown at the top of the results page. Click the x next to a filter to clear it. To clear all active filters at once, click Clear filters.

  3. Select the member whose group role you want to change and click Update Member's Group Role.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select another role (Group Manager or Group Member) and click Update.


    You can only promote group members to group managers if they are from your organization and have privileges to create and own groups. It is recommended that you only promote members who have similar privileges to you so that their ownership capabilities in the group match yours. For example, if you only have privileges to share groups privately (make them accessible to group members only) but want to promote a member who has privileges to make groups accessible to the public and to people in your organization, that member will have more capabilities in managing the group than you do as owner.

Remove members

If you no longer want a member to participate in your group, you can remove them from the group. Their items are also removed from the group. The user's account and items are not removed from the portal website. To remove a member, do the following:

  1. Click the Members tab of the group page.

    The Members tab does not appear for groups whose membership is controlled by an enterprise group.

  2. Search for members by full name and apply filters to narrow the list of group members. Sort the list as desired.

    Active filters are shown at the top of the results page. Click the x next to a filter to clear it. To clear all active filters at once, click Clear filters.

  3. Check the box to select the member you want to remove. You can select as many members as you want.
  4. Click Remove Member From Group.
  5. In the Remove Access window, click Remove.

Hide group membership information

In some cases, a group owner may not want the list of group members to be visible to everyone in the group. For example, to protect the privacy of members of public groups such as community and crowdsourced groups, a group owner may choose to hide group membership information. If you are a default administrator and owner of the group, you can hide the full list of members (with the exception of the group owner and managers) from everyone except yourself, the group's managers, and those with administrative privileges to view all members and groups.


This setting only applies to the Members tab of the group page. The item owner will still be displayed on the item page of individual items in the group. Organization members will be able to see the group as a filtering option when inviting members to a group or when managing members from the organization page Members tab.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as a default administrator of your organization.
  2. At the top of the site, click Groups.
  3. On the My Groups tab, select the Owned by Me filter, and select the group for which you want to hide membership information.
  4. On the group page, click the Settings tab.
  5. Under Who can see the list of members on the Members tab?, click Hide members.
  6. In the Hide group members window, click Hide.

    This action cannot be reverted. Once the full list of members is hidden, it can't be made visible again for the group.

Categorize content

As a group owner or manager, or if you have the administrative privilege to update group content, you can set up hierarchical categories to organize the items in a group. Once the categories are set up, you can assign items in the group to those categories so that group members can more easily find the items they need when they browse or search for group content.


Categories help others quickly discover maps, scenes, apps, and other items. You can configure categories to organize content across the organization or content shared with specific groups (as described below).

Set up categories

Group owners and managers can configure categories to organize group content. You can create your own custom categories or use standard category sets from ArcGIS (presented in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or INSPIRE as a starting point.

  1. Click the Content tab of the group page.
  2. Under Group Categories, click Set up group categories.

    If you've already created categories for this group, click the Configure group categories button Configure group categories beside Group Categories to add, rename, delete, or reorder categories for the group.

  3. Select one of the following:
    • Custom categories—Create your own categories to organize content in the group.
    • ArcGIS categories—Use ArcGIS categories as a starting point. You can customize them or leave them unchanged. These categories are presented in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.
    • ISO categories—Use topic categories from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as a starting point. You can customize them or leave them unchanged. ISO publication 19115 provides a method to describe and catalog geographic information.
    • INSPIRE categories—Use theme categories from the INSPIRE Directive as a starting point. You can customize them or leave them unchanged.
  4. If you selected Custom categories in the previous step, create a category hierarchy as follows:
    1. Click the Add category button Add category, type a name for the category (using up to 100 characters), and click Add.
    2. To create subcategories, click the Add subcategory button Add subcategory below an existing category, type a name for the subcategory (using up to 100 characters), and click Add.
    3. Create additional top-level categories and subcategories as needed.
  5. If you selected ArcGIS categories, ISO categories, or INSPIRE categories, do any of the following to review or make changes to the category hierarchy:
    • Expand and collapse categories in the category tree as needed using the expand button Expand and collapse button Collapse next to the categories.
    • To add a category or subcategory, click the Add category button Add category or Add subcategory button Add subcategory below an existing category, type a name for the category or subcategory (using up to 100 characters), and click Add.
  6. Do any of the following to make additional changes to the categories as needed:
    • To rename a category or subcategory, click the Edit category button Edit category for the category or subcategory you want to rename, type a new name (using up to 100 characters), and click Update.
    • To delete a category or subcategory, click the Delete category button Delete category for the category or subcategory you want to delete.
    • To change the order of categories at the same level in the hierarchy, hover over the expand button Expand or collapse button Collapse next to the category and drag it to a different location.
  7. When you are finished setting up group categories, click Save.

    Your categories are listed under Group Categories and are ready to be used to categorize the items in your group.


    You can have up to three levels of categories in the hierarchy, with a maximum of 200 categories and subcategories in total. For efficiency, it is recommended that you create a comprehensive and complete category hierarchy and naming scheme before assigning items to categories.

Categorize items

Once group categories are configured, you can categorize items in your group. Categorizing content makes it easy for group members to find the content they need.

  1. Select one or more group items you want to categorize and click Categorize.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To categorize all selected items at once, check the boxes to select the categories and subcategories as applicable. Each item card updates to show the categories you selected.

      Selecting a subcategory automatically selects all associated categories and subcategories above it in the hierarchy. However, selecting a category does not automatically select its subcategories.

    • To categorize items individually, click Assign Category on the item card and select the categories you want. You can assign up to 20 categories to each item. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow your options.
    • To remove all selected items from a specific category or subcategory, uncheck the boxes to deselect the appropriate category or subcategory. Each item card updates to reflect the category you removed.

      When deselecting categories and subcategories, the following occurs:

      • Deselecting a category or subcategory automatically deselects all of its associated subcategories.
      • Deselecting a subcategory when no other subcategories are selected at the same level also deselects the associated categories above it and subcategories below it.

    • To remove an individual item from a category, click the x beside the category on the associated item card.
    • To undo or redo a category assignment, click the Undo button Undo or Redo button Redo as needed.
  3. When you are finished categorizing the items, click Save.

    The group items are organized into the group categories you specified. Group members can use these categories to filter content when browsing or searching for items in the group.


    When you categorize an item, it is recommended that you choose the most specific and relevant category possible to ensure that the item is displayed and discovered as expected in an appropriate grouping. For example, to categorize a web map, choose Maps > Web Maps instead of Maps.

Share public and organizational content

Once an item has been shared with your organization or with the public, you can share it with your group. If the content owner makes the item private, it is automatically removed from your group.

  1. Click Content at the top of the site and find the item you want to share with your group.

    Items that have been shared with everyone (public) are marked with a globe icon Shared: Everyone. Items shared with your organization are marked with a building icon Shared: Organization.

  2. Click the name of the item to open its item page.
  3. Click Share.
  4. Check the box next to the group with which you want to share the item. You can select more than one group if you want to share the item with multiple groups you own.
  5. Click OK.

Remove content

If a group member has shared an item you do not think fits into your group, you can remove it. The item no longer appears in the group, but it is not deleted from the owner's account. It is still available to the item owner and retains its other sharing properties—for example, being a public item. To remove an item from your group, do the following:

  1. Click the Content tab of the group page.
  2. Do any of the following to find the items you want to remove from the group:
    • Enter keywords in the search field.
    • Use the search filters to narrow the list of items. For example, you can filter by item type (map, layer, app, and so on), location, the date the item was last modified, the date it was created, tags, and how it was shared (everyone, organization, or group).

      Active filters are shown at the top of the results page. Click the x next to a filter to clear it. To clear all active filters at once, click Clear filters.

    • Sort the list of items by title, owner, view count, or rating. You can also click the arrow to reverse the alphabetical sort order.
  3. Select the item you want to remove from the group. You can remove one or multiple items at once.

    To select an item in table view, check the box next to the item. To select an item in list view or grid view, check the box in the upper left corner of the thumbnail.

  4. Click Remove From Group.
  5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the item or items from the group.

Share your group

If you have sharing privileges, you can use the Share button on the Overview tab of the group page to share the group with others.

Enable delete protection

You can prevent groups you own or manage from being accidentally deleted. This setting is especially important to protect special groups such as Open Data groups. To enable delete protection on your group, click the Settings tab and check the box under Delete Protection.

Delete your group

To delete a group that you own, manage, or administer, go to the Settings tab of the group you want to delete and click Delete Group. In the Delete window, click Delete. This option is not available if delete protection is enabled on the group.